Mariah Carey’s Comeback Single, “GTFO” Rips Off Porter Robinson’s “Goodbye with a World”

Mariah Carey’s Comeback Single, “GTFO” Rips Off Porter Robinson’s “Goodbye with a World”

Mariah has returned. Her new single, a comeback from a while in the past, is referred to as “GTFO” which implies (and then she says) “Find the f– off.” It has no particular hook, and Mariah isn’t singing really. (Is singing?)

It’s a voice message for note cover of Porter Robinson’s hit “Goodbye to your World.” Warriors has over 13 million views on YouTube so it’s not a secret who’s exists.

What is occurring here? If only I knew. If only Mariah would just sing some damn actual songs at full throat. She’s squandered her voice. She’s also the queen of sampling, interpolating, covering, borrowing, whatever. Do yourselves a favor– drop a needle on “Better of My Love” via the Emotions and “Emotions” by Mariah and A/B them.

So here were are again. GTFO, Mariah. Very disappointing. Consider some new ideas?

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