Bill Cosby Sentenced to 3 to A decade in State Prison

Bill Cosby Sentenced to 3 to A decade in State Prison

Bill Cosby will almost certainly jail. State prison, specifically.

Today, Judge Steven O’Neill sentenced Cosby to a few to 10 years in state prison. In April, Cosby was in prison for sexually assaulting Andrea Constand in 2004. He was most likely to be studied into custody today. Through?Associated Press:

Prosecutors were seeking a sentence of 5 to 10 years in prison. The defense wanted house arrest. The 81-year-old comedian would not create a statement in the courtroom. Cosby sat the government financial aid his chair, his directly the headrest, because the sentence was read.

Earlier today, the judge also ruled that Cosby?ought to be regarded as a “sexually violent predator,” a designation this means he will be needed to receive “lifetime mandatory sex offender counseling.” The classification lasts forever; any community he resides in after?he serves his prison sentence really should be notified that?a sex offender resides in the location.

It is surely an astonishing conclusion to?Cosby’s story, at least this part of Cosby’s story. (In most, some 60 women accused Cosby of sexual misconduct.) Cosby reigned atop the popular culture world for decades to be a comedian, actor, sitcom star, media mogul, and pitchman for just a wide range of products from Coca-Cola to Jell-O. Plus a huge portion of his image was that she became a wholesome entertainer the whole family could enjoy together. Now he’s forever “sexually violent predator.”

And to trust the majority of this started after?Hannibal Buress?told bull crap on stage about Bill Cosby assaulting women. (Numerous accusations existed just before Buress’ standup routine about Cosby – therefore he was dealing with them – but once his joke went viral, it brought renewed focus?Cosby’s various cases.) I’m very interested to listen to what?Buress says about pretty much everything. His next standup special?need to be pretty interesting.

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