Lars Von Trier’s ‘House That Jack Built’ Posters Are Real Twisted

Lars Von Trier’s ‘House That Jack Built’ Posters Are Real Twisted

Lars von Trier’s?Nymphomaniac had?probably the greatest marketing campaigns in ages, or otherwise the most attention-grabbing. Who could forget those posters each and every naked cast member showing their O-face? Truly chefs-kiss-emoji level stuff. The?controversial Danish director?is back with?a whole new pair of posters for his next and already-divisive movie, and perhaps they are guaranteed to upset and?intrigue?audiences in equal measure.

The House that Jack Built?stars Matt Dillon like a murderer named Jack that would some really effed-up stuff. Sure, all murderer stories are disturbing, nevertheless in von Trier’s film?he takes the violence?to your jaw-dropping, horrific extremes,?and this involves women, kids, and animals. Fun! Yet, precisely what do you anticipate from a filmmaker who?wants?to?piss off his?critics?as much as this person? I’m talking about, loads of critics haaaated this movie at Cannes (just evaluate the meanest reviews!), and yet von Trier told Birth.Movies.Death) will assist give von Trier the?angry response he so desires. In them, von Trier, in reference to his cast, pose in the compilation of unsettling, contorted positions. Even so the most twisted bit (literally) is when all 4 of Jack’s female victims are?bound and?deformed?for the viewing pleasure. Scroll through below to observe all seven one sheets:

OK, these?are certainly disturbing, having said that i?kinda expected worse from von Trier, like blood-splattered women with their limbs torn off or?something exceptionally?gruesome and deeply offensive. Regardless, you were given so it can gain into the?marketing team at von Trier’s Zentropa; they do know the way to ramp up buzz around his films, negative or positive.

The House That Jack Built?also stars Uma Thurman, Riley Keough,?Siobhan Fallon Hogan, Sofie Gr?b?l, and Bruno Ganz.? IFC is distributing the film while in the U.S., but they’ve yet to announce a release date.

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